
Guaranteed safe flight operations just in time and at the best price

CosySky - is

A comprehensive solution for servicing your aircraft:

Ready-made packages or individual support programs from our processing centers

Financial and operational optimization:

Development of optimal operation models, development of outstaffing or BPO (business process outsourcing) schemes for aircraft operation, audit of aviation departments

Aviation personnel:

Search, selection and assessment of aviation personnel on our own technological base

Legal support:

Support of purchase and sale transactions, management of legal risks during aircraft operation


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    About Us

    Our motto:

    Simplicity for the convenience of the customer

    The company was founded in 2022 by longtime partners and experts in corporate aviation. Sergej Schmidt is the chief pilot. Gryshchenko Platon provides operational management and process automation. In total, the company has about 20 employees, and almost all of them are flight personnel.